Saturday, December 28, 2013

...And A Happy New Year

It has been a while since my last post. It has been a crazy month. As many might have heard or seen on my Facebook page my husband and I were in a serious car accident. Luckily no broken bones or severe injuries but a lot of pain and rehab to be done. It will take time but we are making progress. It was quite an eye opener to see the car at the tow yard when we went to get our belongings. I have to say it made me realize just how lucky we were not have been more injured or killed even and I have started to focus more energy on enjoying life, realizing just how fragile it is. 

At this point we are just trying to get our lives back together. Being in a serious accident really turns your life upside down. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly and our rehab progresses quickly because living in pain every day is definitely not enjoyable. 

On another note, Christmas was small and humble this year. Not a lot of money or time for gifts and celebrating, but that is not what the holiday is all about. I realize more so than ever this year that it is about the spirit of the season. We enjoyed a relaxing Christmas with family and as always, received very thoughtful gifts full of love and care. I am so grateful every day for the family I was blessed with. They are not perfect, they can be a little crazy and we do not always get along but I would not trade them for anything or anyone in this world. I love them so much!! 

And of course I am so grateful for my sweet little pup

As far as the last weekend of the 2013 goes, nothing special to report. I am working on figuring out my job situation, as there was some discrepancies with them after the accident. I have thought about going back to school but that is something that is still in the works right now.

As I reflect on 2013 I have to say it has not been my best year but I am grateful for the trials I have faced and the mountains I have been forced to climb as they have taught me valuable lessons and changed me for the better. They have altered my spirit. At times they brought me on my knees to tearful prayers, other times they helped me see the strength within myself I forgot was there and I fought through. I am grateful for the year I have been blessed with to live in this beautiful world, but I am ready to bid a farewell to 2013 and longingly await the new start of 2014. 

Here is to 2014 and the great journeys and adventures it will be sure to bring! 

 A Happy Holiday Season to All
Warm Wishes for a Wonderful New Year! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

In the Beginning.....

This is the start of something new, something great. This is the start of me. 
After one of the longest and most difficult past few months of my life, I have started to finally feel peace and new found sense of self. What happened to me is something that for now, I cannot put into words, but maybe someday I can get it out on paper (or blog) but for now it is just another etching, another constellation of my heart. 

I know it is not the new year yet, but I have already set some goals and dreams for myself. 

The first of which is this blog. I have always loved writing, it brings out pieces of my soul and puts them into words. It also brings about a sense of peace, almost like therapy. I would love to someday write a book and hopefully this will help me towards that dream. 

I have also once again, started working out and trying to be healthier. I have a goal to lose 25 pounds and become fit and healthy again. When I was younger I was so into being fit and active and it felt great! I want to feel that way again. To have confidence again and be happy. This is for me. Not to look good for someone else or to be societies version of attractive but to be happy with what I see in the mirror every morning. This is what I want to achieve. When I reach that goal I will be getting myself a tattoo in gold and white ink. I am grateful to Pinterest for the design ideas haha :)

Lastly, I am focused on just learning to find joy in every day. To find something positive, even if it is just something small and insignificant. By finding these bits and pieces of happiness I hope to build an internal constellation of confidence that will flow throughout my soul and glow on the outside. 

This is the new start of me. This is my now. 

And here is a beautiful new song I just heard a few days ago and can't stop thinking about. 

Say Something...

 "Say Something" A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera