Sunday, May 11, 2014

What Makes A Mother....

In honor of Mother's Day I wanted to write about what I feel makes a mother. 

First I want to send a special shout out to my mother. A lot of people say I look like her and I take that as a very high compliment because my mother is beautiful. But it is not just her beauty I wish to inherit, but her compassion, her strength and her courage. I hope to continue to aspire to be all of those things that my sweet mama showed me growing up. 

So what makes a mother a mother? I feel it takes a lot more than to just birth a child to be a mother. The definition of motherhood is to nurture and protect. To put their needs above her own and to do whatever it may take to protect her children. But is it only a birth mother that we should celebrate on this day? Have you not come across a friend, neighbor co-worker, aunt, sister or cousin who has shown you those same attributes? I know I have. When I had times of struggle or fear, I have had co workers nurture and provide me with wisdom to get through.  In times of despair and feelings of being overwhelmed, I have learned from my aunts how to become a strong women and have been shown unconditional love despite mistakes I have made. Close friends were there to show me how to love myself for who I am and to laugh and cry with. My sisters have taught me how to love unconditionally and be loved. Neighbors have been there to bring about nurture and comfort in times of need. I have not had the opportunity to birth a child yet but I know what I would give to protect those I love and how I would do anything to take away their pain and sadness. Are all women not mothers then? I feel they are. 

Some women do not have the chance or the ability to bear children in this life, but as I said before, it takes a lot more than just biology to define motherhood. They may not know what it is like to bear a child or adopt a child of their own, but they will show those attributes of motherhood throughout their life, thus giving them the title of mother. 

So on this very special day, let us celebrate and give thanks to the women that gave us life, but let us also remember the times we were shown unconditional love, nurture, wisdom and strength by the other women in our journey through life and appreciate and celebrate them. 

Happy Mother's Day! 

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